#jean jacket
goodsirs · 2 years
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Jean Jacket. Call him Jean Jacket.
Nope (2022)
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starry-nightflyer · 2 years
I think what I adored most about nope is how jeanjacket, as a predator animal, functions in a way that makes sense for a creature designed the way she is. She spends most of her time dormant in a cloud, only leaving her camouflage to hunt, and she doesn’t ever attack without reason, and I think the most brilliant thing about the eye contact being what makes her go berserk is that that makes a shit ton of sense for a creature like her.
With her being shaped the way she is, the only way she Can attack someone is while making eye contact— and if another one of her species was to do that? That would be a declaration of all out war. That’s a clear sign of aggression, and the fact that the movie plays into that— the fact that the stadium Jupe built is shaped like an eye, the fact that she flares up at the balloon at first in a clear show of aggression, of fear, trying to scare off what she presumes to be a threat…
And of course, the fact that it just plays into the theme that not everything is a spectacle to be stared at, that people can be destroyed by seeking fame or fortune, that tragedy can’t be tamed and that the past will eat you alive if you’re not careful— and that it all fucking fits flawlessly into her design as a creature. It just. Nope is The Movie Ever.
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ferretteeth · 2 years
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liberaljane · 1 year
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We should all be able to thrive & earn livable wages. Your worth is not, and should not be, defined by how much money you make.
Digital illustration of a the back of a Black fem wearing a blue jean jacket. On her shoulder is a white rat holding a coin. There's text that reads, 'your worth is not defined by how much money you make.
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sunny-rants · 2 years
yeah the social commentary and underlying themes were great but what really made me love NOPE was the chaotic lesbian, her quietly hilarious brother, the scrunkly little customer service worker they adopted, and the eldritch horror that followed them home like a stray cat
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Though Tears of the Kingdom features over 50 armor sets, several were still cut from the final game such as the Denim Set, which included the Jorts, Jean Jacket, and Jeandana. When upgraded, the armor gave Link the ability to operate vehicles with one arm hanging out the window.
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tsercele · 2 years
when that tasty-looking morsel out yonder turns out to be made of plastic
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legionofpotatoes · 2 years
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What's a bad miracle?
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things-from-strings · 10 months
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potholefullofsoup · 2 years
it’s a ufo. it’s a flying saucer. it’s a ten gallon hat. it’s a lens. it’s an eye. it’s a stingray. it’s a raincloud. it’s a jellyfish. it’s a sand dollar. it’s a camera obscura. it’s an angel. it’s an alien. it’s a horse. it’s a lampshade. it’s a cuttlefish. it’s a halo. it’s a coin. it’s a chimpanzee. it’s a record. it’s a film reel. it’s an acoelomate. it’s a balloon. it’s a wild animal loose on the set of a family show. it’s the past catching up to you. it’s the other shoe dropping. it’s a viewer. it’s an unwilling spectacle. and above all it’s a jean jacket.
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kitsure · 2 years
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𝙸 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚊 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚕𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞.
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see-arcane · 2 years
OJ and JJ: Why Jean Jacket Let the Haywoods—Especially OJ—Get Away with More Than Anyone Else in “Nope”
I’ve seen Nope twice now. While everyone I saw it with enjoyed it, I heard a few cries of foul when it came to OJ and the others’ improbable good luck with all their near misses interacting with our favorite terrifying gulch-haunting UFO. I call foul back and say plot armor had nothing to do with it. Some luck, yeah, otherwise we’d have no protagonists. But that was hardly all.
Spoilers for Nope below
To be clear, I am absolutely not painting this as the same delusional ‘friendship’ Jupe assumed he had with Jean Jacket. Neither he, nor OJ, nor anyone else is a miraculously endowed animal/alien tamer with an automatic ~*~special bond~*~. It’s one of many points Nope goes out of its way to illustrate. You can only train (or disrespect) an animal so far before they lash out, especially predators, and especially island-sized UFOs with the munchies. But, insomuch as there is any ‘safe’ way to coexist in close proximity with something like Jean Jacket, OJ Haywood is shown to have pulled it off with flying colors. And he did so almost entirely unaware to begin with by dint of his character traits.
That and a combination of Jean Jacket’s own instincts are what likely put him and the people around him in the tiiiny pocket of special allowance JJ deigned to give them over the course of the movie.
Let’s roll back to the first scene with the Haywood Ranch and the death of Otis Sr. A death by falling nickel that happened six months before the present-day events of the film. Just before this, father and son were curious about the screaming in the clouds—a fresh snack of hikers about to be squelched—followed by the rain of inedible bits. We can assume this was Jean Jacket’s first time flying in the gulch, and he chose the Haywood Ranch as The Spot for Purging; just like the hills next to the ranch were chosen for his ‘nest’/hiding place/resting spot.
While Jupe was methodically feeding JJ fresh horses and imagining the big guy trusted him, Jean Jacket kept going home to his actual favorite spot right next to OJ and his horses—a man and his big juicy animals out training in broad daylight, day after day, without ever pestering them. No missing horses. No missing OJ. Despite JJ clearly having opportunity and a taste for both species by that point. Why?
The obvious answer is that OJ kept his head down. Literally. Eyes always on his work, under the shade of his hat bill, maybe glancing at the clouds now and then…but always too far away to agitate. For all that time, he was unconsciously respecting Jean Jacket’s rules. Plus, he was in JJ’s purging/nesting territory first; yes, Jean Jacket was calling dibs on the whole gulch, but if the locals already there aren’t bothering him, fine, sure, they can stay.
The place’s importance to Jean Jacket, OJ’s head-down habits, and the amount of time spent coexisting with each other sans trouble all combined to put OJ and the alien into as close to a neighborly setup as could ever be expected. Don’t fuck with me, I don’t fuck with you.
Then things start picking up. Too much activity, too many new skyward glances from OJ, too many hackles raised with the Star Lasso Experience. And yeah, JJ did almost vacuum OJ up—he infringed on their ‘arrangement’ and looked! The nerve! And after JJ let him get away with hiding under a roof the night he stared up at the dust devil that took the fake horse! How ungrateful!
…A move that, in hindsight, plays almost like a Strike 1 offense, paid back by slurping up the actual horse. OJ’s staring at the Star Lasso arena was likely Strike 2. After snapping at OJ and causing the accidental knockout against the ceiling, JJ flies off without him or Lucky.
Off JJ flies to the Haywood Ranch again, full of screaming people and detritus and huffy extraterrestrial chest-pounding. And what does JJ do? He drops a big bloody purge waterfall directly onto the Haywoods’ house—OJ’s territory-within-JJ’s territory—like the giant alien version of an animal hiking its leg and marking all over a lower-tier animal’s spot.
This is a warning. This is my place. I rule here.
Then, as if holding onto the statue for last (hell, that may have been the real Strike 1), he moves his big flying Roomba self over to OJ’s truck—which I’d bet JJ definitely recognizes after six months—and just hovers. Hovers. Hovers.
Making sure OJ is paying attention. Then he hacks the statue out like a bad loogie right into the windshield. Assuming it didn’t kill his ‘neighbor,’ it would be a fine lesson:
You are on thin ice. Do not cross me again.
Come morning, what do we find out? Not only is Jean Jacket smart enough to know the humans will react when he moves enough to let the electricity fizzle back on, he immediately moves back overhead to stare down at OJ. My guess? It was a test.
You know better, neighbor. What do you do when I am here? What very smart thing have you done in all our quiet time side by side?
And thank God, it does dawn on OJ in time. Do Not Look. No Eyes On JJ.
So he ducks his head. And, even though he caught a very obvious peripheral glimpse, Jean Jacket still lets that slide. Jean Jacket lets OJ, his sister, and Angel—probably his family/pack in JJ’s POV—scurry away in their silly rolling box. We can’t even say it was because Jean Jacket was still full; the big guy looks like he has whole miles of gut to chow down with.
No, he lets OJ and company off with a few warnings, because the arrangement renewed. And off he goes to settle in his cloud again.
Cut to the run.
I sincerely believe that if it had been any other person on the horse, any other person goading Jean Jacket along the run, they would not have lasted a minute. No, not even with their head down. We’ve seen by now just how fast JJ can move, how quick he can flip from zero to I-Will-Knock-You-Back-Like-a-Shrieking-Tic-Tac. And nobody can say they didn’t clench up when they, like OJ, realized Jean Jacket was hovering right behind him like the world’s most ominous frisbee. Ditto the part where JJ slurped up the TMZ jerk barely a yard away from him and Lucky.
Thiiis close to sucking him up. But no. The dust devil got Mr. TMZ with the precision of a straw.
Then we get to the run—OJ on horseback, JJ being JJ, going fast…but almost at his version of a canter. A brisk walking pace.
That much might be owed to the fact that, unlike all his other prey, the people/horses have gotten a good look at Jean Jacket, then turned to run. With OJ’s staring hoodie, he’s retreating while still looking at/challenging JJ. That’s new! That implies Jean Jacket’s neighbor has his hackles up even as he moves away!
So Jean Jacket gives a comparatively leisurely chase. Then, just when he gets fed up and goes for the vacuum maneuver—surprise! Flags everywhere! Jean Jacket freaks out as expected, twisting away rather than risk gulping up another bad meal. What the hell, OJ, why didn’t you warn JJ you were a statue this whole time?
And, finally, the climax.
OJ looks at Jean Jacket dead on, still sitting on the flag-strung Lucky. This is when Jean Jacket has completely unfolded into what looks like a full intimidation display. These tiny two-legged things have turned into a big flag-covered, barbed wired headache for Jean Jacket. Perhaps even a threat. It’s down to a fight for the territory in JJ’s perspective. Someone has to go. And OJ, the one he ‘knows’ best, the one that had respected and been respected by Jean Jacket most, like two sullen predators in the same cage mutually agreeing not to bother the other, is the one metaphorically baring his teeth first.
Even as he flexes all his freaky jellyfish anatomy, Jean Jacket hesitates.  
Does he think this is OJ warning him away? Or is he really instigating a fight to the finish? …Is there a chance OJ could win?
Even when, finally, OJ does begin drawing him along, away from Em’s bike, we never see JJ strike out with his appendages or make another dust devil. He’ll match OJ’s staring contest, he’ll creep closer, but he does not lash out.
It’s only when Em revs up and takes off for Jupiter’s Claim that Jean Jacket gambles on pursuing what he (mis)takes for the less worrisome Haywood. Simply because she looked at him and fled? Because JJ wants another warning to spit up for OJ later? No way to know.
All we see is that OJ, by a mix of hair-thin good fortune and animal training experience, managed to live with, counter, and psych out Jean Jacket enough to earn the man-eating megafauna’s tolerance and enough respect that it edged near worry.
tl;dr: No, OJ was not a magical horse/alien whisperer. But he did gain enough of Jean Jacket’s esteem to give him the best odds of survival, cohabitation and manipulation, simply by being himself, being respectful of the ‘rules’ once he knew them, and being cool as hell while everyone else fell apart or got slurped.
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gebo4482 · 2 years
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deer-shin · 2 years
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bludotpng · 11 months
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prey vs predator
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foeofcolor · 2 years
Really really like the fact that we never see the tmz guys face in nope. It really proves the point how inhumane the parapazzi act in their pursuit of the story and how they in that pursuit often seem to lack basic human decency and how in turn it makes them seem unhuman.
How as soon jean jacket dies all the media shows up to capitalize on the pain and tramua that em, oj and angel went through....
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